All external information provided on this resource page are intended to provide, streamline, and guide youth to publicly available information directed at Internet Safety. ARICAC does not market, advise on, nor is affiliated with products that may be developed by the external parties. When purchasing products, always use caution, conduct thorough comparative research, and consult your parents.

What is Take It Down?
Take It Down is a free service that can help you remove or stop the online sharing of nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit images or videos taken of you when you were under 18 years old. You can remain anonymous while using the service and you won’t have to send your images or videos to anyone. Take It Down will work on public or unencrypted online platforms that have agreed to participate.
It’s scary when this happens to you, but it can happen to anyone. You’ve taken the first step, and we’re here to help you with the next steps. Take It Down is a service provided by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Building technology to defend children from sexual abuse.
Thorn was born in 2012. Co-founders Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore had learned about the issue of child sex trafficking from a documentary highlighting what was happening to children in Cambodia. They describe it as this moment where you learn something about the world that you can’t un-know. As they started learning more, they realized that it is just as prolific of a problem here in the United States as it is overseas.
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Thorn was born in 2012. Co-founders Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore had learned about the issue of child sex trafficking from a documentary highlighting what was happening to children in Cambodia. They describe it as this moment where you learn something about the world that you can’t un-know. As they started learning more, they realized that it is just as prolific of a problem here in the United States as it is overseas.
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Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media helps families make smart media choices. We offer the largest, most trusted library of independent age-based and educational ratings and reviews for movies, games, apps, TV shows, websites, books, and music. Our Parent Concerns and Parent Blog help families understand and navigate the problems and possibilities of raising children in the digital age.

Bullying stops us from being who we want to be, and prevents us from expressing ourselves freely, and might even make us feel unsafe. If you are bullied, say something! If you are bullying, it’s not cool!
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These differentiated video series present digital safety lessons in a fun and age-appropriate manner. Younger audiences learn with Nettie, Webster, and Clicky, the internet safety robot, while tweens engage with the animated cast of NS High. For teens, real-life stories and interviews with teenagers across the country provide the basis for real-world learning.
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