Arkansas Internet Crimes Against Children

Dedicated to Protecting Children & Teens

The Arkansas Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program (ARICAC) helps state and local law enforcement agencies develop an effective response to technology-facilitated child sexual exploitation and Internet crimes against children. This support encompasses forensic and investigative components, training and technical assistance, victim services, prevention and community education.

Featured Resources

Together for a Safer Internet

Click here for online safety tips and resources.

Internet Safety

understands that internet safety is a shared responsibility between the public, the technology industry…

Internet Crimes Against Children

We are a national network of 61 coordinated task forces, representing over 5,4000…..
Meet Lucy

K9 Lucy is six-year old yellow-lab, her birthday is October 14, 2017. Detective A. Kalmer received training in 2019 and Lucy became part of the Arkansas ICAC. She assists on search warrants and detects hidden electronic devices such as: USB’s, phones, tablets, SD cards, air tags, and much more. When Lucy is not assisting on search warrants, she is a companion dogs to victims. Lucy enjoys swimming and playing fetch when she is not working and brings so much joy to those she meets.

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    To Report a Crime
    To report child exploitation:
    To report other cyber crimes:
    To report child abuse:
    Arkansas State Police Child Abuse Hotline

    If this is an emergency, please call your
    local law enforcement agency.

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